Friday, April 25, 2014

Fish library..? maybe

What does it do?
It sells a large variety of fish for household aquariums.

Audience/ Customers? Are they middle class teenagers? Upperclass elderly?
er, fish enthusiasts...from little kids to lonely old people.

What kind of company image do you wish to create? How do you want it to be viewed by the public?
well i was thinking of calling it a fish library because it would provide a lot of information on fish and how to treat them so maybe the logo could look like a bookcase of fish..

What do you sell? How do you hope to make money?
different species of fish and i plan on selling fish and aquariums for them and just basically everything you would need to create your own at home aquarium.

What will you ask your designer to create for you? Why?
i want this logo to be colorful and create excitement and just all around look cool and far out.

Do you need a mascot? A color scheme? How do you develop customer recognition?
i think the color scheme should be something along groovy and far out and by that i mean maroon and dark blues and greens.

Who is your competition? How do you get customers to focus on your business.
competition would be big stores such as petsmart and petco who's selection is honestly just sub par.

Friday, April 11, 2014

logo change

I chose to change and update the Burger King logo. I just chose while passing by one on my way home from school because it stuckout to me. The logo doesnt have show any kind of king or royal pattern which bothers me. I think it should have a more royal upper class kind of feel to it.

Friday, March 14, 2014

movie project

My movie will be sort of an underdog story with a twist. Its about a girl that wants to fight in the UFC all her life but is told that shell never make it. She not only wants to fight in the UFC she wants to be able to hold the title for women and also fight with the men. It all comes to a head when she is entered into a tournament as a joke and she has to defeat one of the baddest female fighters out there, Rhonda Rousey.

Friday, February 28, 2014

unfinished album cover

just gonna put this right here...

Movie poster crit

 I really enjoy this movie poster, even though the movie itself was creepy as all hell. I enjoy it because her eyes are darkened out, well not enough to were you cant see them but it gives one a sense that she is pure evil. Also the I am fond of the top quote because it covers the entire top of the photo lengthwise. The Font of the word orphan all fits the move, although it doesn't exactly blend in well.
 Also it really irks me that only the bottom half of her face is in focus and the red font over chest is really hard to read. I think i only enjoy this poster because i like the movie.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Part 2 : The Oreo Dipper

This product is called the oreo dipper because it is just that. It will safely allow you to dip your most favorite cookie into milk to only improve the taste by ten fold. No more losing your cookie in milk and having to go fishing again. This tool locks in your cookie with a hook and will not let go until you physically grab it.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Part 1: Sani Cleanse

This product is called Sani Cleanse. It is meant to be a digestive system cleanser. You simply swallow 1-2 wipes at the end of the day and it cleans out all of the nasty gook that you have digested throughout the day letting you have a fresh start for the following day.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

How to Ruin a Great Design

This article discusses what seems to be some surprisingly poorly designed street signs and bad improvements on both the UPS's and the McDonald's design. I honestly didn't even notice what exactly was wrong with the diverted cyclists sign until it was actually pointed it out. Now all I can see is the obnoxiously large letter D on the sign. As far as the revised UPS sign, I believe that when you have a company symbol that's been around since 1961 its best not to make any drastic changes because people like old fashioned and trust in it more then modern.

As far as the design idea to buy knockoff chairs for McDonald's restaurant's in Europe, that's just something I wouldn't expect from that company.
After reading this article, i'll probably be more aware of what exactly sticks out about these street signs or any advertisements for that matter, to see what really sticks out about them and what I would change about them.

Friday, January 24, 2014

question assignment

What is your computer experience?
I've always had a computer at home that I've played with. In highschool I took digital photography one and two and I took computer graphics one and two.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
Well, I already took the highschool version of this class so I'd say I have a decent amount of experience....atleast i know what the pen tool is, ok?

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
I do have a computer at home on our main computer and it doesnt have either of those programs and i already used the free trial, but maybe i can use it on my mom or brothers laptop.

What is your major ?
My major is liberal arts and science and then i will be going to Rutgers ( hopefully ) for animal science.

What do you hope to get out of this class?
I hope to refresh my skills in photoshop and become more fluent in the program and on computers in general as well.

Who is your favorite artist?
I don't have a favorite artist really, my tattoo artist Billy Webb is a very good artist, does that count?

Who is your favorite musician? 
My favorite artist is by far Regina Spektor, she is amazing you should listen to her work.

Tell me something interesting about yourself?
I have a twin brother and we were both born on christmas, BAM so interesting.

Write a five line story.
Once upon a time there was a princess trapped in a castle. This princess was being guarded by a huge fire breathing dragon. Although many men tried to slay the dragon to win her over and rescue her, they all failed. The princess grew tired of waiting and saved herself. She was her own hero.