Thursday, February 6, 2014

How to Ruin a Great Design

This article discusses what seems to be some surprisingly poorly designed street signs and bad improvements on both the UPS's and the McDonald's design. I honestly didn't even notice what exactly was wrong with the diverted cyclists sign until it was actually pointed it out. Now all I can see is the obnoxiously large letter D on the sign. As far as the revised UPS sign, I believe that when you have a company symbol that's been around since 1961 its best not to make any drastic changes because people like old fashioned and trust in it more then modern.

As far as the design idea to buy knockoff chairs for McDonald's restaurant's in Europe, that's just something I wouldn't expect from that company.
After reading this article, i'll probably be more aware of what exactly sticks out about these street signs or any advertisements for that matter, to see what really sticks out about them and what I would change about them.

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